
Fl Studio 12 Free Vocal Doubler

Fl Studio 12 Free Vocal Doubler Average ratng: 4,1/5 728 reviews
  1. Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 9-10, Pro Tools 10-2018, Cubase 9.5, Nuendo 8, FL Studio 12, Studio One 3-4, Reason 10, Reaper 5, Audition CC 2018, Premiere Pro CC 2018, Digital Performer 9. What We Think About iZotope’s Free Vocal Doubler Plug-in.
  2. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with using multiple instances of Vocal Doubler for layered effects. The sound quality seems to be at a professional level, at least the demo video makes a very good impression. Vocal Doubler is available for free download in AudioUnit, AAX, VST 2, VST 3 plug-in formats.
  3. With over 200.000+ remake downloads, we prove that we provide the best remakes on the internet. The best thing is, every single remake is 100% free.
  4. Vocal King helps glue the vocal in a mix, and it comes preloaded cool parameters, that could help in customizing the audio signal of a vocal track. The Pres Compressor knob helps in bringing out the clarity of a vocal, so, by turning up the gain of the Pres Comp brings out the presence in the vocal along with giving it a smooth compression.
  5. The Doubler.dll library is 2.76 MB. The download links for this library are clean and no user has given any negative feedback. From the time it was offered for download, it has been downloaded 517 times. Get Doubler by Waves and learn how to use the plugin with Ableton Live, Logic, GarageBand, and FL Studio for free.
  6. Fl Studio Real Guitar Vst Download Korg Polysix Vst Download Mac. Free Vocal Doubler Vst Plugin. Waves Plugins Reddit Updated Version or (Waves Complete 10 Crack) offers the simplest plugins with high performance. The package integrates with varied audio programs. GPU with DirectX 12.

Massive FREE collection. 1000s of FREE vocal, apple loops, samples, fx wavs. New FREE samples uploaded every day.

Sometimes(very often!) we need to add effects on our voice recording. To make it sound better, to make it sound thicker, or just to maker it sound incredible!
For widening/thickening, or making choir like voices, you can use : chorus, voice multiplier, voice doubler, stereo wideners.
For radical changes or special FX, you can use harmonizer / pitch changing, genre changer, pitch correction / autotune.

Here’s a top 5 of free VST effects for changing the voice :

1) Azurite multi voice chorus VST

This great chorus can work on many type of sources : guitar, voice, etc.
It works nicely for voice, it’s not too hard/harsh and does a good job on mono inputs for spreading voices and give a stereo effect.

information & download @ http://distorqueaudio.com/plugins/azurite.html

Dry voice :

Voice with chorus!

2) ADT – Artificial Double Tracking

This VST has no GUI

When you can’t record two takes for doubling your voice, you can gor for the artificial double tracking technic! The Beatles did it, and now you can too.
Voice doubling ahs never been so easy.

Download here : http://www.vacuumsound.de/plugins.html

3) Emonizer Micro Pitch Shifter effect

Vocal doubler pedal

Emonizer VST

This free VST effect is intended for thickening, it’s a “one trick pony”, it’s in fact a micro pitch shifter, that add detuned voices, it creates a wider sound. Works also for other sounds than voice!

download it now ! => http://music.service-1.de/html/wok_emonizer_vst_micro_pitch.html


4) g200kg KeroVee & roVee

Here we go now for a more radical effect !
With this one you can change the nature/type/genre of the voice, make it from female to male, or from female to male. Fl studio 13 fre. KeroVee is a pitch correction plugin, it can also do the “autotune” effect.

Information and free download @ http://www.g200kg.com/en/software/kerovee.html

Free Voice Doubler Vst

Normal dry voice

Maxi chorused multiplied choir-i-fied voice !

female voice

from female to male ! /free-fl-studio-piano.html. genre changing

Maxi super chorus : voice multiplier !

5) ag-works chorus ch-2

Waves Vocal Doubler

Chorus CH-2 VST

Izotope Vocal Doubler Review

Here, at Wavosaur, we love the monstachorus VST by Betabugs, but i thought the Chorus CH-2 is lesser known, and deserve some exposure. It’s like having 4 independant chorus you can tweak in parallel.

Free Vocal Doubler Vst Plugin

download for free @ http://ag-works.net/plugins.ch2.htm